Friday, August 7, 2009


I'm amazed that it has now been 2 years since Ron passed away, I'm not sure where those years have gone. I can see them in the difference in Michaela, how she has grown in these last couple of breaks my heart that they have been without her daddy.

I'm feeling very down right now, for the last little while things have been pretty tough. We went on holidays, which was very good...I got to visit my family and Michaela got to see her grandparents. We were gone for nearly 3 weeks and that seemed to be a little too long to be away from home...I just really wanted to be home!!

When Ron passed away I discovered that he had very little life insurance, not something that when you are in your thirty's you think too much about. There was enough that I figured I wouldn't have to work and would be able to focus on Michaela for a couple of years...those years are done...and so is the insurance.

Now I'm responsible to support my little family on my own...that really stresses me out. I will be working at Michaela's school and really that is the biggest blessing that I could have been given. I know that I could find a job that pays much more and has more hours...but for a single mother working where your child goes to school is ideal.

I'm not sure what the future holds for me, I've been in prayer for God's leading. I want my life to be in His will and pray that I will be more dependant on Him.


F. said...

I'm sorry that you are feeling down. I pray that God's loving arms will provide you comfort as he leads you in the way of his will. You will be in my prayers.

Mommy Needs A Time Out said...

I love you Annie!! Remember "Come to me all who are weary and burdened and I will give you rest". You are one of my dearest friends and I chersih you. My shoulder is always here for you, even if I am in a group home!!

MarshaMarshaMarsha said...

I saw your comment over at EspeciallyHeather's blog and popped in to visit.

I am so sorry for your heartache, dear Annie! Please know that I am praying for you and your daughter.

What a blessing to have found a job at her school! That really is ideal.


want to work in Japan